Monday, November 1, 2010

New addition

We finally have a Potty trained boy! Woot woot. I cannot tell you how nice not changing diapers is:) Griggsy one day decided he was a big boy and is doing amazing at this whole potty business. I am so proud of my guy. When i was in the process i told him when he was all trained i'd get him his own kitty. Soo i hunted a lil on KSL and found this cute guy!! We decided on Giovanni for his name, i have no idea why it just came to me. Hes meshed so well with our fam, we love him already. Griggsy is over the moon and doesn't give the poor cat one minute of peace.......


Halloween has got to be my favorite holiday!!! I love everything about it, the decorations, candy, crisp air and of course all the costumes :) I think it gives you the chance to be a kid again. I have the best memories taking over the neighborhood for the night as a kid. But anyways... I usually start planning my costume and griggsys months before October. Well i have been so crazy with new jobs and mommyhood, i hadn't really even started till about a week before. LAME!!! Beau really wanted G to be a Garden Gnome so i was on the lookout. I found a super cute one and Griggsy loved it. He thought he was a witch!! (Hes a lil obsessed with them after watching Hocus Pocus so much) He is such a stud. Trick or Treating went well until the down pour! All in all way fun

Beaus Bro and his girly friend came into town so we went out on the town. I threw this costume together and beau was super lame and went as nothing :) xoxo

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Something about a boy and his boots

Griggs has been going through a phase, a cowboy boot phase. He just loves these red boots!! Beau mom bought these for him for his 2nd birthday, they are still a bit big but that doesn't stop him from rocking these guys :) My favorite is to see him walking around in these suckers and when he wants them off all he's gotta do is kick is foot and off they go! Not that they go with his outfits but hey, he likes them so i guess thats all that matters.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lots of Changes

So lots has happened to us in the last few weeks!! Both Beau and i got new jobs. I am working at Mount Ogden Surgical as the Administrative assistant and i must say i love it. I was really scared at first for change and I definetily will miss all my fellow coworkers. But I am starting to use what I went to school for and I am really excited to see where this takes me!! Beau starts on Monday as well as Day Care for Griggsy. im having mixed emotions about this but He is really excited to go. All G has talked about is playing with the kids and i know he is in good hands. So many changes this month and so much to be thankful for. I don't know how i have gotten through any of this with out my family.. love their stinkin guts :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers day..

I feel very lucky to have my dad...I know a lot of people feel that way but my dad is really special. He's the nicest, hard working, hilarious person i know and there has never been i time in my life that he wasn't one hundred percent there for me..ever. I love my dad so much and I feel like having a positive male influence in a girls life is so important. I think that is one of the reasons my sis and i both found such great husbands because we had such a good role model. I love you dad..

Which brings me to beau..who is the best dad! He is such a macho tough guy and it is my favorite to see how sweet he is to griggsy. They really are best buds and im just happy griggsy gets to have an amazing dad and grandpas in his life!!


So its a sunday night... and my house is sooo quiet! Beau took griggsy to st. george to visit his family until tuesday.. I had to work so im here.... and i really miss my boys. I am trying to take full advantage, don't get me wrong, quiet candice time is amazing but I am missing them. I am missing griggsy's latest obsession with the little rascals and him saying OH TAE! every five minutes or singing the pickle song. As much as it gets old watching that movie twice a day, i miss snuggles with him as we do watch it. As a mom you spend soo much of your time taking care of every one and everything. Well u get neglected a lot in that process, i can't tell you how many times i just with for a lonnnnng hot shower with no bangs on the door or yells for momma where are you? How many times i just want to sit and watch the hills uninterrupted without griggsy on my lap talking the whole time :) Being a mom is hard.. we all know it is but besides that it is the whole reason i work so hard and the reason i get up in the morning. My baby and my family is my life. and a quiet house is my old life..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Finally Beau and i have found something we really like to do as a team. I mean we do everything together but as far as hobby wise we are not on the same page. HE is probably the most athletic person i know.. me not so much! I can barely ride a bike-- For reals yo!! He is an AMAzing at soccer, snowboarding, Golfing, ect whatever he tries he masters. I love being there to watch him but really wanted to find a new hobby for myself. Well the other day i got a wild hair to start refurbishing old furniture.. well i told beau about it and he was totally on board with me. First project.. our hand me down hutch in our kitchen. I have hated this thing for years, i mean every day i glance at this thing with hatred.Soo of course that was my first choice. We both decided on red for the color and a chocolate brown for an accent. It turned out to be an all day thing but we are soo not dissapointed it turned out wayyy cute... and both of us are hooked, we have already made lists of our next projects!!

I'm pissed i didn't get a before picture but u can see that sucker a little in this picture.

Kinda crappy pics but you get the idea, i was kinda toying with the deco also- its different now but i love it! It just adds so much more to the room, im excited to try more stuff!!

I can't deal with these things

Griggs smashed two of his fingers at the union station looking at the trains a couple weeks ago. Can I say saddest thing ever!! Im not good at staying calm when my baby is hurting. I know that is bad but it just breaks your heart. Well he is ok now but i just can't even look at his fingers now cause the fingernails are FALLING OFF! So sick, his ring fingernail is just hanging--wth do i do? My dad told me just to let it come off naturally but im not sure i can deal with this any longer..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ming makes cupcakes..

I stumbled upon this website the other day and the first thing that comes into mind is.. seriously who has this much time to bake like this? i mean i am a full time working mom that has just enough time to myself to take a shower and brush my teeth--and that's about it!! The other hours are dedicated to my family, my house, and my employer..its insane! But besides that thought it made me want to make the time to try some of these beauties. I love to cook-- just getting starting loving to bake. Baking is a little too precis for me. I love the freedom of cooking, it is a major release for me stress wise!! But anyways, There are 33 amazingly gorgeous cupcakes recipes listed here. Check em out i was blown away. I think the Mango cupcakes w/ coconut buttercream are the first on my list..yum

Sunday, May 16, 2010


My Griggsy is ALL BOY all the time. He loves TRUCKS, TRAINS, MOTORCYCLES, CARS!! Those are his obsessions right now oh yeah and any kind of ball :) By the way he's totally fearless too, i spend half of my time chasing him around making sure he is not jumping off of something!! I love it though he cracks me up the way he just ADMIRES cars driving by- especially TRUCKs he'll say oooh look at that BIG TRUCK!! He can just do that for hrs, love my boy :) Heres a few of him lately..

Beau gave him a sleave, he loves fake tattoos :)

Yeah i found him butt A naked the other day- when i asked him what he was doing he said--LOOKING AT BUGS!! well duh i guess

trains, trains, trains

swinging with his friends kirra and mariah

Sunday, May 9, 2010

For the moms

I love being a mom, it is the most important and fufilling job in the world. Griggsy has completely changed my way of thinking and i feel really proud to be his mom. I think about what kind of person i want him to be when he is an adult and i will do everything i can to make sure his dreams come true. I do this and am so grateful for the beautiful, Strong, intelligent women i have in my life. My mom is amazing and will do anything at the drop of a hat for her kids. Don't you ever mess with one of us either cause she will get you :) I love you madre, you rule and i really wish i could have spent the day with you!! I woke up to a sparkling clean house courtesy of my husband and i love that he let me boss him around all day and he just says, its your day honey do what you want!! I took full advantage believe you me :) But it was really a chill day we took G to the union station to look at the trains, everything is TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS!! ha he loves them and kept pointing to them and saying "look at that train!" or "BIG TRAINS!" hes so cute and he had a blast. Then we headed to my uncle daves to celebrate mom day with a bbq, yum so much good food im still full. Now both my boys are sleeping and looking forward to a relaxing night..maybe one last request, a foot rub for this hard working mom!!

hawaii pics :)

Hawaii was amazinnnnnggg!! I miss the scenery, and laid back atmospere already, until next year :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


So We are still in maui at beau's dad house, and tomorrow is our last day.. Real life is sneaking up on us. We have had a really great time so far, i mean who wouldn't but this time we have just been HITTING THE BEACH!! Every day all day and i can't be happier about my tan and all the amazing days we have had here. Last year was amazing but this year has been way sunnier!! Griggs loves the beach, hates the water but he has had a great time hanging with Grandpa McNEeley and Uncle Gray. Beaus brother has been here also so it is nice to spend some time with him also. We have gone snorkeling lots this year and i am getting way more comfortable out there, i love it so much but i still get freaked out sometimes thinking about jaws sneaking up on me.. I also took Griggsy to the Aquarium, just me and him :) HE was in love with all the fish!! Its all he talked about, so im glad i could take him. I also got to hit up the Paia fish market, i saw this place on food network on the show best thing i ever ate. Well i was not dissapointed, i bugged everyone to go the whole trip :) Well just wanted to share a little of our trip so far, more pics to come. Aloha-- Now im going to go enjoy this day

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter :)

Snow, Rain, cold..Thats pretty much how the weather was blahhh. BUt we made the best out of it anyways. Thursday we dyed all of our eggs, Griggs is such a boy and you know boys, they are rough on everything!! So we gave him like 5-6 eggs and let him have at it all of those eggs were cracked by the time he was finished but oh well he had fun!!

Easter sunday the easter bunny gave griggsy his basket and he was so excited.. He had lots of good stuff like a new swim suit for Hawaii a cute easter outfit, a zsu zsu pet, a coloring book ect. Aunty steph also spoiled him with the new chipmunks movie and other goodies! My dad stopped by to watch griggsy find his eggs...oh man that was his favorite part!! he had a blast looking around finding all the eggs. He asked asked me about 20 times to find eggs now :) All in all it was really nice day just to be with the ones you love:)