Monday, November 1, 2010

New addition

We finally have a Potty trained boy! Woot woot. I cannot tell you how nice not changing diapers is:) Griggsy one day decided he was a big boy and is doing amazing at this whole potty business. I am so proud of my guy. When i was in the process i told him when he was all trained i'd get him his own kitty. Soo i hunted a lil on KSL and found this cute guy!! We decided on Giovanni for his name, i have no idea why it just came to me. Hes meshed so well with our fam, we love him already. Griggsy is over the moon and doesn't give the poor cat one minute of peace.......


Halloween has got to be my favorite holiday!!! I love everything about it, the decorations, candy, crisp air and of course all the costumes :) I think it gives you the chance to be a kid again. I have the best memories taking over the neighborhood for the night as a kid. But anyways... I usually start planning my costume and griggsys months before October. Well i have been so crazy with new jobs and mommyhood, i hadn't really even started till about a week before. LAME!!! Beau really wanted G to be a Garden Gnome so i was on the lookout. I found a super cute one and Griggsy loved it. He thought he was a witch!! (Hes a lil obsessed with them after watching Hocus Pocus so much) He is such a stud. Trick or Treating went well until the down pour! All in all way fun

Beaus Bro and his girly friend came into town so we went out on the town. I threw this costume together and beau was super lame and went as nothing :) xoxo