Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter :)

Snow, Rain, cold..Thats pretty much how the weather was blahhh. BUt we made the best out of it anyways. Thursday we dyed all of our eggs, Griggs is such a boy and you know boys, they are rough on everything!! So we gave him like 5-6 eggs and let him have at it all of those eggs were cracked by the time he was finished but oh well he had fun!!

Easter sunday the easter bunny gave griggsy his basket and he was so excited.. He had lots of good stuff like a new swim suit for Hawaii a cute easter outfit, a zsu zsu pet, a coloring book ect. Aunty steph also spoiled him with the new chipmunks movie and other goodies! My dad stopped by to watch griggsy find his eggs...oh man that was his favorite part!! he had a blast looking around finding all the eggs. He asked asked me about 20 times to find eggs now :) All in all it was really nice day just to be with the ones you love:)

1 comment:

Shannon Williams Olsen said...

I know what you mean by saying the kids favorite part was finding the eggs... we did 2 Easter egg hunts, one Saturday at my Grandpa Williams and one Sunday morning and they wanted a 3rd at Papa's that afternoon :) lol Griggs sure has a good momma!!!