Saturday, January 30, 2010

Our New Toy

We have been wanting to get a new camera forever!! But not before beau researched every option, haha but i'm glad he did cause i love this lil guy!! I've never had a nice camera like this, im stoke to take some new pictures!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

25 Randoms!

K i haven't blogged in forever, don't even know if anyone reads this!! haha but i thought id post a few randoms about yours truely!!

1. I have no sense of smell-- nada its gone!!
2. I Wear high heels probably 95% of the time. I LOVE THEM it makes my feel like such a girly girl. Even though im totally not.
3. I'm a pescatarian fancy term for not eating any meat besides fish. I hate meat it totally grosses me out.
4. Im a total nerd and proud of it! I love to read and loved school! Nerds rule :)
5. If i could dream up any occupation i'd totally be a rock star..... or a wide receiver for the jets!!
6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE SPORTS! I get so serious about my team that i pace the house and scream at the tv like a freak!! its really funny but i can't help it
7. Cooking is a passion of mine. I don't have tons of time but often contenplate going to culinary school. I think it would be amazing!!
8. Speaking of that I STILL have no idea what i want to be when i grow up!! It changes daily
9. I am so scared of ghosts, earthquakes, heights, planes, you know thats it! The first time i saw the exorcist you couldn't even mention it for years-- im a total wuss.
10. Being a mom has made me want to be the best person possible and i am so proud that he chose me to be his momma!!
11. I think my son is the COOLest and funniest kid around.. He really is a stud!!
12. I want to travel the WORLD one day... India is at the top of my list
13. I Collect Buddahs :)
14. Im really shy, it takes me a while to let myself shine through!! Then im just a wild woman :)
15. Growing up i wanted to be an artist and an archeologist AND Ive always wanted braces!!
16. Flip flops and bikinis are my favorite attire.
17. I hate the snow and would love to live in 85 degrees all year round--- who wouldn't?
18. My family is my greatest treasure.. Beau and i are so lucky i mean lucky!!!
19. I've known beau since the 9th grade but never had a conversation with him till i was 21 years old... now here we are.
22. I never thought i'd get married OR have kids. Now i can't picture my life otherwise.
23. I love trashy tv and magazines. Give it too me--more please!! Teen mom, the hills, bad girls club, the soup, Jersey shore!!!
24. Camping and fishing, and hiking are some of my favorite things to do! I love the outdoors
25.I think life is about learning and being the best person you can be! Not about regrets or materialist things. Im over all that. My family is happy and healthy and to me what else can you ask for?