Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers day..

I feel very lucky to have my dad...I know a lot of people feel that way but my dad is really special. He's the nicest, hard working, hilarious person i know and there has never been i time in my life that he wasn't one hundred percent there for me..ever. I love my dad so much and I feel like having a positive male influence in a girls life is so important. I think that is one of the reasons my sis and i both found such great husbands because we had such a good role model. I love you dad..

Which brings me to beau..who is the best dad! He is such a macho tough guy and it is my favorite to see how sweet he is to griggsy. They really are best buds and im just happy griggsy gets to have an amazing dad and grandpas in his life!!


So its a sunday night... and my house is sooo quiet! Beau took griggsy to st. george to visit his family until tuesday.. I had to work so im here.... and i really miss my boys. I am trying to take full advantage, don't get me wrong, quiet candice time is amazing but I am missing them. I am missing griggsy's latest obsession with the little rascals and him saying OH TAE! every five minutes or singing the pickle song. As much as it gets old watching that movie twice a day, i miss snuggles with him as we do watch it. As a mom you spend soo much of your time taking care of every one and everything. Well u get neglected a lot in that process, i can't tell you how many times i just with for a lonnnnng hot shower with no bangs on the door or yells for momma where are you? How many times i just want to sit and watch the hills uninterrupted without griggsy on my lap talking the whole time :) Being a mom is hard.. we all know it is but besides that it is the whole reason i work so hard and the reason i get up in the morning. My baby and my family is my life. and a quiet house is my old life..

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Finally Beau and i have found something we really like to do as a team. I mean we do everything together but as far as hobby wise we are not on the same page. HE is probably the most athletic person i know.. me not so much! I can barely ride a bike-- For reals yo!! He is an AMAzing at soccer, snowboarding, Golfing, ect whatever he tries he masters. I love being there to watch him but really wanted to find a new hobby for myself. Well the other day i got a wild hair to start refurbishing old furniture.. well i told beau about it and he was totally on board with me. First project.. our hand me down hutch in our kitchen. I have hated this thing for years, i mean every day i glance at this thing with hatred.Soo of course that was my first choice. We both decided on red for the color and a chocolate brown for an accent. It turned out to be an all day thing but we are soo not dissapointed it turned out wayyy cute... and both of us are hooked, we have already made lists of our next projects!!

I'm pissed i didn't get a before picture but u can see that sucker a little in this picture.

Kinda crappy pics but you get the idea, i was kinda toying with the deco also- its different now but i love it! It just adds so much more to the room, im excited to try more stuff!!

I can't deal with these things

Griggs smashed two of his fingers at the union station looking at the trains a couple weeks ago. Can I say saddest thing ever!! Im not good at staying calm when my baby is hurting. I know that is bad but it just breaks your heart. Well he is ok now but i just can't even look at his fingers now cause the fingernails are FALLING OFF! So sick, his ring fingernail is just hanging--wth do i do? My dad told me just to let it come off naturally but im not sure i can deal with this any longer..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ming makes cupcakes..

I stumbled upon this website the other day and the first thing that comes into mind is.. seriously who has this much time to bake like this? i mean i am a full time working mom that has just enough time to myself to take a shower and brush my teeth--and that's about it!! The other hours are dedicated to my family, my house, and my employer..its insane! But besides that thought it made me want to make the time to try some of these beauties. I love to cook-- just getting starting loving to bake. Baking is a little too precis for me. I love the freedom of cooking, it is a major release for me stress wise!! But anyways, There are 33 amazingly gorgeous cupcakes recipes listed here. Check em out i was blown away. I think the Mango cupcakes w/ coconut buttercream are the first on my list..yum