Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Twenty Eleven..

Its funny how immediately when the year is over you start thinking about all the good or bad things that have happened during the year. 2010 was a great year for our family, i cannot complain one bit. Life is good i am really happy and I am really excited to see what 2011 has to offer. My Baby will be 3 this year...how did this happen? I just had him yesterday i swear!! Beau and i will celebrate our 2nd anniversary in February and Both of us will turn 29..OMG how did that happen!! When did i get old? Anyways now comes the resolutions. Last year my goal was to learn how to sew..that never happened but since my cute husband got me a new sewing machine for christmas..i am going to learn dammit! Also i going to simplify my life.. no clutter, lots of family time, and just focus more time on myself. I tend to overlook taking care of myself sometimes..every mom does :)But anyways New Years Eve was a blast! Me, Beau, G, my sis, and BIN went out to dinner. Thai of course, then off to our house for some wii "Just Dance" and "Michael Jackson" dance games. So much fun just to hang with my family and laugh our butts off for the new year. Great way to welcome 2011..I think thats a sigb it will be an awesome year.

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