Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Griggs Update

I haven't posted new pictures of G for a minute! He is getting huge and it is tripping me out that he is almost 2!! He is ALL boy all the time. He loves TRUCKS,CARS and running wild!! He also love kitties and doggies and Football. Griggsy is such a joy to our lives and cracks me up every day. He is definetly a little ham. He is also very polite and sweet- with lots of pleases and thank yous and kisses! He love to listen to music and makes this face when he is jamming and bobs his head. Hes a cool dude! He is talking so much and repeats just about everything we say. He has his own shows he loves to watch such as Handy Manny, Micky MOuse Club House, Dora, Diego, and of coures UP! and CHOO CHOO (Polar Express) yes it is february and we are still watching it! We are also starting to introduce potty training. He has been going on the potty for awhile now but now we are starting the serious stuff!! He loves his big boy underwears and hopefully we will be totally free of diapers SOONEr than later.


Stephanie said...

I see you're putting your new camera to good use! The pictures are darling....those eyes!
Good luck with the potty training!

The Jones said...

Candice, Griggs is SO handsome :)