Sunday, February 28, 2010

Griggs' 2nd Birthday party

Saturday we threw griggsy's SECOND birthday.. can't believe my babies 2!! He picked out his own theme- CARS and TRUCKS of course. It turned out to be so much fun. Beaus mom, stepdad, and Grandparents drove down from st. george. So it was nice to see them. We had lots of family and friends come by also. We had a pinata which was hilarious and the kids had a blast dancing to griggsys new chipmunk cd and doing some crafts we set up. It was so worth all the man hours i spent planning and getting it all put together! I made the cake which turned out pretty cute if i do say so myself! I just got one of those 6" subway sandwiches btw i under estimated how huge it really was and had to have my dad take it to my house in his pick up!!! He got spoiled by everyone and he was totally worn out today!! Happy birthday baby I love you.


Our family said...

Wow time flys by I can't believe your little man is two. I love the cake you did a great job on it. Happy birthday to your little guy and happy anniversary to you guys.

Kacee said...

Great cake!! The party looks like it was a lot of fun. I'm sure that Griggs just loved it.

The Jones said...

You are very talented in the cake decorating!!! So cute, Happy Birthday Griggs!!