Friday, November 7, 2008

Griggs/ Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family pictures - Family reunion


Ashley ;o) said...

I think he looks a lot like both of you... so I think that meter is pretty right on. ;o) But I'm sure hoping that the one where you make a baby isn't very accurate... because ours was seriously not cute AT ALL!! ;o)

Kat said...

yes, I"d have to agree with the first comment, he looks a lot like you both. And he's so stinkin cute!

Shannah Springer said...

Hey homie! I started a blog...finally out of the dark ages! I am adding you as one of my "friends" :)

Kat said...

Where the new posts on your blog?! Come on lady! I've got to stay up to date with you and little man somehow!;) geez. . . ;) jk