Sunday, March 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Griggsy!

Griggs was born March 2, 2008 @ 12:27pm weighing 6 pounds 6 oz. I cannot believe my baby has turned one!! Besides being extremely handsome he has turned into like this little dude. He has the FUNNIEST personality, he loves to make people laugh!! His smile just makes me melt. I love everything about him. Especially when he snuggles with his momma, which isn't much be cause he is way to busy Playing and getting into everything he is not suppose to be. HE is ALL BOY all the time, and boy does he like the ladies. This little flirt goes right for the girls :) These days you can find him JAMMING to music,singing, and running all over the place. He is a stud and way too smart for his own good. I look at his newborn pictures and i almost want to cry seeing how small he was. But He is so healthy and so much fun these days i just have to enjoy every second with him. Before I know it he will be in high school, driving,going away to college...Its such an amazing trip, because i think us as parents learn just as much raising children. I never new my heart could hold so much love or that i would do anything for him to have a great life. Now I know what my parents where always talking about when i would get chewed out for making them worry!! My dad always said-- One day when you have a kid you will see!! I do dad :) Being his mom has made me a better more loving person and i am so happy that he chose me to be his momma. Happy birthday Stinky!!


Curtis and Windy Olson said...

Those pictures are just precious. Happy first Birthday little guy!!!!!

Kat said...

Can't believe he's already 1! Seems like just yesterday you brought him in to show off and he was just so tiny and perfect in my arms:) Happy birthday little man!